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Jaxon Chavez

California, USA

Mom: Sophia Grise
Dad: Craig Chavez

MSD took away our dreams of watching our child grow up.

Our MSD Journey

What did it feel like finding out your child has Multiple Sulfates Deficiency (MSD)?

The worst news in the world.

How has MSD affected your children?

The child has lost speech and independent walking.

How has MSD affected your entire family?

Took away our dreams of watching our child grow up.

What is the hardest part about being an MSD family?

Making choices in our child’s life and ability to live.

What are the biggest misconceptions people have about being an MSD parent?

That we don’t need help.

What is one thing you would tell people about MSD?

This is a disease we should screen for and need to push for screening.

What is one thing you would ask from the world?

A cure.

Why are you asking for donations to the foundation?

So that children like Jaxon have the ability to grow up and play outside like their peers.

Latest News?

Jaxon is thriving in his own regard. He loves life and can’t seem to get enough of it.

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